I am Dani Ray—freelance writer and editor, translator, wordsmith, occasional essayist and full-time logophile. I’ve interpreted in D.C., edited Spanish-language TV in Budapest, taught High School Spanish in Augusta, GA and delved deeply into the realm of Central American modern art. I’ve also spent a winter in Fukushima, three summers in Mexico, seven months in Costa Rica, three years in Hungary and however long it took to cross Spain on foot. Travel is a lifelong passion but it’s language itself that first captured my imagination.

Hence, I write. But we all know how to write. Right? Writers, though, we are peculiar creatures. We look at a brain dump and see an opportunity. Narrative. A hideous pileup of words and phrases is a puzzle to be solved—pieces spun, swapped out, mulled over. A project abandoned and taken up again with renewed vigor. For weirdos like us, there is delight in this endless cycling of alphabetic units and ecstasy in realizing the ultimate goal: to strike precisely the right cadence and tone, to balance on a very thin wire the use of respectable literary device, impeccable grammar and playful panache. In the art of persuasion—communication in general, really—storytelling is key. But concise messaging requires clarity, distillation. It’s a craft like any other. I cook but I am not a chef. I run, but only when chased. So, when you're in need of some wordsmithing, I’m at your disposal. Ew, no. Service? Well, I’m here, and I can help!

Writing Samples